A lovely country store!

Here you'll find what you need regardless of whether you live nearby or are just passing by, and you'll probably find something you didn't know you needed but couldn't resist.

Norråkers Handel doesn't just offer milk, eggs and bread. We also have some really good cheeses, delicacies from near and far, colorful textiles and beautiful yarns, things that are nice to look at and good to eat.

We are also Pickup Point for PostNord, Apoteket, Systembolaget, Svenska Spel and DHL. Here you can sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee in our café and feel free to rent one of our fine accommodations.


Our favorites

We <3 local food

It's important for us to shop locally produced, so we try to bring in goods as much as possible from local and northern suppliers.

ostdisk Norråkers Handel

Our cheese counter is our pride!

We simply love cheese, and other things that are extra tasty and make everyday life a little extra festive. A piece of cheese before the meal can spice up any Tuesday and a cheese tray at the party makes the guests extra happy.

We have the perfect gift! Our cheese and deli boxes are extremely popular. You can choose the content yourself or we will put together a good mix for you. Price from SEK 350.

Staffed opening hours

Mon – Fri: 10.00 – 18.00

Sat: 10.00 – 14.00

Sun: no staff

Self service hours

Of course we keep up with the development! In our store you can shop when it suits you, unlock our door yourself between 6 am to midnight every day. To unlock the door when unmanned, you need a mobile phone with a camera, Bank ID and a payment card. At the entrance there are instructions on how to proceed. Welcome!


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”Tack för att du kontaktar oss! Du får snart en bekräftelse på att vi mottagit din beställning.”

Det finns:

  • Kaffe
  • Te
  • Nybakade Wienerbröd, bullar m.m.


Är du hungrig finns det även:

  • varma och kalla mackor
  • paninis
  • vår egen paj.

Europeiska jordbruksfonden

Varje land inom EU tar fram ett landsbygdsprogram som ska
bidra till landsbygdsutveckling.
Jordbruksfonden för landsbygdsutveckling
kan ibland kallas för landsbygdsfonden.

Placera din beställning