A Lanthandel long before our time

Norråker Handel opened in 2005 after Konsum decided to no longer operate a store in Norråker. 

We who took over the store (Ida & Johannes) have always felt most at home in Norråker and when Konsum was going to sell, we jumped at the chance! So we bought the store, moved home and opened up Norråkers Handel - it's the best thing we've done!

Being able to live and work where we feel most comfortable makes us so happy and to also be a trader is fantastic. Here we get to meet nice customers and work to make everyday life as good as possible, both for us who live here and for you who come to visit.

Norråkers Kafé in Summer

Award-winning store

If you thought a country store was enough? No, here we forge many irons in the fire and also run other activities such as Basecamp Norråker.

But none of this would be possible without our amazing staff and helping hands. For example, we have Per-Ingvar who fixes everything that needs fixing! And our Rolf, who manages the warehouse and home delivery of food to the elderly. 

The fact that we have won titles such as Company of the Year and Service Company of the Year over the years is a fine proof of a solid work where we as a village help each other for a better community.

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”Tack för att du kontaktar oss! Du får snart en bekräftelse på att vi mottagit din beställning.”

Det finns:

  • Kaffe
  • Te
  • Nybakade Wienerbröd, bullar m.m.


Är du hungrig finns det även:

  • varma och kalla mackor
  • paninis
  • vår egen paj.

Europeiska jordbruksfonden

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Jordbruksfonden för landsbygdsutveckling
kan ibland kallas för landsbygdsfonden.

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